Healthy smells

Ambient scent can have a powerful influence on your life. The right aroma can create a healthy atmosphere, lift your mood and improve your sense of well-being.


Supermarket solutions for ambient aroma products are limited - to say the least. They may smell sweet, but they only mask unpleasant odours and need to be very strong to make much impact. This brings up the problem of questionable ingredients and chemical overload. The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) recently released a report highlighting the prolific use of volatile compounds (VOC) in many home fragrance products. Exposure to VOCs, even at levels currently considered safe, can cause a range of health issues, especially in children.

If you want to create natural and healthy aromas to scent your home, you can use essential oils. Here are two important things we think you need to know:


  1. Start with a good clean

If bad smells are the source of the issue, you can make safe yet powerful cleaning and deodorising blends with essential oils such as lavender, lemon, tea tree and clove bud.


  1. Think holistically

Therapeutic aromatherapy delivers a whole-health approach. Plant distillations can be uplifting and refreshing while delivering active compounds directly into your limbic system. But this means that ingredients must be pure, organic and carefully extracted to ensure they impact the body in a positive way.


Public perception of aromatherapy has been distorted by unscrupulous manufacturers of mass-produced products using synthetic ingredients, focussed entirely on profit.

Clinical aromatherapy, used in hospitals and medical practices worldwide, employs olfaction (sense of smell) to reduce stress, improve concentration, enhance relaxation and so much more. While popular throughout recorded history, modern aromatherapy emerged in France in the 1920s through chemists and medical doctors who discovered the potent healing influence of essential oils and used them directly in their practice. This became known as clinical aromatherapy or aromatic medicine. It took a hold in Europe as an integrated medical tool and is now used around the world. Aromatic medicine today has decades of research and expertise behind it. The growth and production of certified organic and medicinal-grade essential oils has become a specialist industry that is second-to-none in terms of quality and efficacy. 

Recently, an emergency medical facility in the US decided to use medicinal-grade essential oils as a central part of its staff-wellness initiative. Nurses involved in a before/after survey all reported a positive impact with a decrease in perceived stress and an increase in perceived positivity during their work day.

If this is the impact of aromatherapy in an environment where anxiety, stress and sleep deprivation are the norm, an improvement in our own domestic stress levels are well within reach.


The benefits associated with inhaling essential oils are reported to:

  • help lift the mood
  • calm the senses
  • increase alertness
  • decrease anxiety

Plus, they contribute to the quality of the immediate environment through:

  • air purification
  • supporting increase of atmospheric oxygen
  • inhibiting bacterial growth
  • inhibiting mould growth
  • adding protection with antimicrobial and antiviral properties


The power of three

For practical household use, where you want therapeutic fragrance with germ killing and deodorising properties, you can start with just three versatile oils:

Antiviral, astringent and an immune stimulant. A powerhouse oil with deep cleansing and refreshing properties, it can be diffused into the air to uplift and energise while sharpening concentration.

Sweet Orange
Antiseptic, cleansing and uplifting. A good autumn/winter fragrance to diffuse into the air to promote relaxation and calm.

Cedarwood Atlas
Antiseptic, astringent and a useful sedative. A restorative and balancing oil that can be diffused into the air to promote relaxation and lighten your mood.


Once you’ve started with these three oils, you’ll never look back. There are endless possibilities as essential oils can be blended to create even greater therapeutic synergy. Other essential oils that are handy around the house are Lavender Sweet and Eucalyptus Australiana.  You can always make things easy on yourself and take a look at our Starter Collection. This contains our 7 best-selling, therapeutic-grade oils and pure blends that have been hand-picked by our health experts as the ultimate ‘must-have’ collection.

Absolute Essential also has a range of blended formulas that provide a short-cut to using professional aromatic medicine in your home. Try Vitality for an energy wake up. Uplift to help get you through challenging times. Harmony for easy social vibes. Immune Care for extra protection when bugs are rife.


A good way to ensure you are getting the highest quality oils available is to always buy your essential oils and blends from a reputable natural health store. Avoid purchasing oils from multi-level marketing schemes whose focus is most definitely not on quality. Only certified organic, medicinal grade essential oils will have a true therapeutic effect on your body.


Beautiful aromas with great health benefits. A winning combination.


Buy online from us here.