Father's Day is looming and the challenge is on to find something both practical and special, something that says I love you and I appreciate you deeply - without getting overly fussy.
For curiosity's sake I had a quick look at what the media is suggesting and ended up entirely distracted by the big boys' toys. Drones seem to be all the rage at the moment, and I can see that maybe father and child could have meaningful moments of mirth with a thousand dollar flying camera, but it does all seem just a little bit over the top investment-wise, and perhaps a little removed from the right kind of sentiment.
I mean, I know men don't want hearts and flowers, but surely we're allowed to make them feel loved and treasured with something a little more heartfelt?
Quality natural nurture can say I love you every day.
My personal opinion is that men like to feel cared for just as much as women do. I've yet to introduce therapeutic plant oils to a man who wasn't able to appreciate the good feelings and uncomplicated benefits that they offer.
For Father's Day we can talk about any number of possible gifts but there are very few that can generate such a real sense of how much you actually care for and cherish his life. A selection of organic, life-enhancing products might not carry the same wow factor as a techno toy, but give it a few days and he will soon be forming a much deeper attachment to the greater sense of well-being he gets from just a few minutes of routine body care.
Plus, of course, it is all so beautifully understated - being the simple raw ingredients with absolutely nothing added: a no-nonsense, practical approach to personal care couldn't be better represented.
So which Absolute Essential products make the perfect Father's Day gift?
Whether you are looking for a gift for your own more senior father, or you are among the many that extend the tradition to the father of shared children, the good news is that this kind of natural body care is beneficial for any age. Here are a few suggestions which all hold the natural power to make life-changing impressions:

Skin Soothing Gel (Organic) Expertly formulated with all the very finest, nutrient rich oils from plants which are highly compatible with the natural composition of skin, this exceptional gel offers the ultimate aftershave solution. As the name suggests, it's incredibly soothing, but it also helps heal and calm irritated skin, and works deep into the dermal layers to moisturise and condition against redness and itchiness.
Absolute Hair Care Oil (Organic) This one is a great all-rounder that will do good to any head (or chin!) it blesses. If you know about your luxury natural oils, you'll understand why it is so good when you see that it includes giants such as Argan, Jojoba and Avocado. But what you really need to know is that it has a synergy of cleansing, moisturising and stimulating properties that work naturally into the hair structure and the scalp to renovate hair and promote healthy growth. Note: beards and moustaches also benefit hugely from regular application.

Medicinal-grade essential oils must be 100% pure. At Absolute Essential we use certified organic or wild grown (sustainable) plants to produce our oils and all extraction processes are strictly controlled to produce the best quality oil with a maximum purity and therapeutic value.
- Dr Bo Hendgen